In a nutshell, what we do is supply you with the building materials, information, advice, and support needed to make your job easier and help you build better. Every single day.
Roof Evaluations
Box Lunch Program
Detail and Specification Review
Installation Training
Who we serve
Specification Writers
Building Owners
Rodeo Clowns
What we
are not
We are not consultants and we don’t pretend to be. We don’t do litigation, design, or stamp drawings, and we don’t carry the insurance that consultants do because we don’t offer that particular service. We don’t get paid for our advice, we get paid to sell materials. Our objectivity is never in question, our motives not distracting.
We like and respect consultants and we work closely with many of the best across North America. But we know our limitations and when a project needs more than we can offer, we’ll refer you to people we trust.
How we are compensated
We are paid for the products and materials we sell. Nothing more, unless we ask up front for reimbursement for travel and time expenses to a remote location.
We don’t use “hard-sell” tactics because we don’t need to. We’ve built our business on trust. We’ll tell you if our product is wrong for your needs and suggest a different one if we can. Repeat business is our compensation.
“Bain Associates has always been a pleasure to work with. They answer when you call and will do whatever is required to get the job done. It’s good to have a rep that wants to work WITH you.”
Luke Harrison Project Manager, Bassett Architectural LP